Company Settings

Company settings are critical to set up for your specific company.  These should be set up and maintained by your company administrator(s).  

The Company Settings page is accessible through the main menu --> Company Settings, under Account Manager.

Once in Company Settings here you can configure --

Email  - Main Company email, used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

Billing Email - Where the SMFORCE reciepts and invoices are sent.

Phone - Company Phone Number, used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

Company Name - Used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

Website - Company Website, used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

Company Logo -  Used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

Address - Company address, used in headers, footers, emails and via proposal template fields.

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