Company Settings - Defaults

Company Defaults are critical to set up for your companies controlled estimate factors. 

These should be set up and maintained by your company administrator(s).  

The Company Settings page is accessible through the main menu --> Company Settings --> Company Settings under Account Manager.

Once in Company Default Settings here you can configure --

Manual Adjust Range - This represents the range you allow users to adjust estimates manually.  This will allow a user to add +/- this percentage to the manual adjust field in an estimate. 

Default Tax Rate - This field represents the default tax rate brought into a new estimate.

Default Cost Per Mile - This field represents the cost per mile of travel. (an option you can add to a new estimate)

Default Age Factor - This field represents the Default Age factor brought into new maintenance estimates.  As equipment ages, it becomes more costly to work on.  This field represents a % per year increase based on the age of equipment that will factor into the labor costs in a maintenance estimate.  Typically this is a 1% to 2% value.

Default Truck Charge Cost - This field represents the default truck charge your company may charge per day, this ONLY factors into maintenance estimates.  Days are calculated based on total hours in an estimate divided by an 8 hour day.  

Truck Charge On/Off - This is an On / Off button if enabled the truck charge(s) will automatically be enabled on new maintenance estimates.

Default Parking Cost - This field represents the default parking cost your company may charge per day, this ONLY factors into maintenance estimates.  Days are calculated based on total hours in an estimate divided by an 8 hour day.  This must be enabled manually within each estimate.

Parking On/Off - This is an On / Off button if enabled the parking charge(s) will automatically be enabled on new maintenance estimates.

Default Annual Escalation Rate - This is a % per year increase rate limited to maintenance estimates that span greater than 1 year.

Default 24/7 Factor - This is the default 24/7 factor, this ONLY factors into maintenance estimates.  This is useful when you have specialized equipment that runs 24 hours a day at full speed with no schedules or setbacks (data centers, specialized refrigeration units, etc..).  In a maintenance estimate, equipment, if the 24/7 operation button is checked for a piece of equipment the labor will be multiplied by this 24/7 factor.

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