Template Reference Fields

Reference Fields (aka "keys") are fields utilized in a Template that take reference from somewhere else in the estimate or database.

Here are a list and description of currently available Fields.

Common Fields

  • {AdditionalNotes}
    • This field will print the Proposal Notes from the Proposals tab for the estimate.
  • {BigLogo}
    • This field will print a large version of the company logo
  • {Break}
    • This will insert a line break (blank line) useful for spacing
  • {CompanyAddress}
    • This will insert your company address, from company settings.
  • {CompanyEmail}
    • This will insert your company email, from company settings.
  • {CompanyName}
    • This will insert your company name, from company settings.
  • {CompanyPhone}
    • This will insert your company phone, from company settings.
  • {ContactAddress}
    • This will insert the address of the contact selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {ContactEmail}
    • This will insert the email of the contact selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {ContactName}
    • This will insert the name of the contact selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {CustomerAddress}
    • This will insert the address of the customer selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {CustomerName}
    • This will insert the name of the customer selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {DollarAmount}
    • This will insert the SELL price of your estimate as a number
  • {EstNumber}
    • This will insert the estimate number
  • {EstimateDate}
    • This will insert the date of your estimate
  • {EstimateType}
    • This will insert the estimate type selected in your estimate
  • {ExclusionsList}
    • This will insert all your exclusions that are active in the proposals tab of your estimate.  This will insert them as a comma-separated list in paragraph format.
  • {JobAddress}
    • This will insert the address of the SITE selected in your estimate on the information tab.
  • {JobName}
    • This will insert the job name (estimate name)
  • {PageBreak}
    • This field will insert a page break.
  • {RevisionNumber}
    • This field will insert the estimate revision number from the proposals tab.
  •  {SalesRepEmail}
    • This field will insert the sales rep (user) email address.
  •  {SalesRepPhone}
    • This field will insert the sales rep (user) phone number.
  • {SalesRep}
    • This field will insert the sales rep (user) name.
  • {ServiceManager}
    • This field will insert the selected managers' names, from the proposals tab.
  • {SiteAddress}
    • This field will inset the SITE address from the estimate information tab.
  • {SiteName}
    • This field will insert the SITE name from the estimate information tab.
  • {SmallLogo}
    • This field will print a small version of the company logo
  •  {WrittenAmount}
    • This will insert the SELL price of your estimate as a written sentence.

    Quick Estimate Specific Fields

  • {EstimateDate}
    • This field will insert the estimate date from the proposals tab
  • {EstimateType}
    • This field will insert the estimate type from the information tab
  • {EstNumber}
    • This field represents the estimate number.
  • {ScopeOfWorkDesc}
    • This field represents the typed scope of work, generated from the Group Names and Proposal Line Descriptions.  This only includes the description.
  • {ScopeOfWorkNC}
    • This field represents the Scope of Worktable with no costs shown in it.
  • {ScopeOfWork}
    • This field represents the typed scope of work, generated from the Group Names and Proposal Line Descriptions.  This includes QTY, Cost each and total cost
  • {TMBreakoutNC}
    • This field will display a breakdown of Sell Prices based on the Department without showing costs or markups.  As a secondary measure, this field will NOT populate unless it is both in the Template and also the include T&M breakout checkbox on the proposal tab is checked.
  •   {TMBreakout}

    • This field will display a breakdown of Sell Prices based on the Department. As a secondary measure, this field will NOT populate unless it is both in the Template and also the include T&M breakout checkbox on the proposal tab is checked.

    Maintenance Estimate Specific Fields

  • {AddOnTable}
    • This field will represent a table of the Add On’s in the maintenance estimate
  • {BeltTable}
    • This field will represent a table of the Belts included in the maintenance estimate
  • {BillingFrequencyDescription}
    • This field will represent the selected billing frequency (written) as selected on the proposals tab. (ie – Quarterly)
  • {BillingFrequencyNumber}
    • This field will represent the selected billing frequency (number) as selected on the proposals tab. (ie – 4)
  • {ContractStartDate}
    • This field will represent the selected start date as selected on the proposals tab.
  • {ContractTerm}
    • This field will represent the selected contract term as selected on the proposals tab. (ie – 1 year)
  • {EquipmentTable}
    • This field will represent a table of the Equipment included in the maintenance estimate
  • {EstNumber}
    • Thie field represents the Estimate Number
  • {EstimateDate}
    • This field represents the estimate date
  • {EstimateType}
    • This field will insert the estimate type from the information tab
  • {FilterTable}
    • This field will represent a table of the Filters included in the maintenance estimate
  • {SellPricePerFrequency}
    • This field represents the total contract sell price divided by the billing frequency (price per billing frequency)
  • {TotalBeltsCount}
    • This field will represent a total number of belts included in the maintenance estimate
  • {TotalFiltersCount}
    • This field will represent a total number of filters included in the maintenance estimate
  • {Tasking}
    • This field will represent a table of the Equipment Specific Tasking Sheets included in the maintenance estimate
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